Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

Orphan Black was one of my favourite shows on television. Running from 2013-2017 it was a Canadian show about a young woman named Sarah Manning who discovers she is one of over two hundred clones. The show follows Sarah learning and meeting the other clones (later referred to as sisters) as she and her sisters investigate …

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As you may remember I was accepted into the HamilTEN Festival earlier this year for the play I wrote, Beep, a short and personal play about my mom’s death and how people who have never dealt with death react around people who have. It’s a very important play to me for obvious reasons and getting to …

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I don’t remember exactly when I started watching Steven Universe, only that my mom was alive when I started watching it. IMDB says the show started airing in 2013 which would have made me nineteen, but I don’t remembering watching it for that long while my mom was alive. I think I started watching it in …

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