Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

I received this book from The Next Best Book Club in exchange for an honest review. “An act of faith. Faith—true faith—does not come without grappling in the shadows; faith never comes free from doubt” (Rauch 100). Sara Rauch is in a long-term relationship with a woman when she begins a low-residency MFA. While there, she finds …

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I’m not very good at remembering certain things I’ve done; or rather I’m not great at remembering achievements. It’s not that I have a bad memory; it’s actually pretty good (unless it’s remembering people, then its bad). It’s just that I Maybe I just have too high standards for myself, whatever the reason I wanted …

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So a few weeks ago I made a promise. You probably remember my blog post about my sister getting sick, my fear, and rushing to the ER to be with her. The day after that blog post was published; I had to leave work early with her to go to the ER again because a …

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