Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

Well a lot has fucking happened in a week huh? I’m still drifting though now it’s more of a numbness edged with anxiety, something that flutters somewhere in my belly like some dying thing that my numbness smothers every so often. Not to death, just to sleep before it awakens again.

It’s a weird time right now. Big events and venues are closing and everyone just kind of seems to be drifting, or at least that’s how I’m feeling right now. Like a current is slowly dragging me along, not out to sea or anywhere dangerous, I don’t know exactly where it wants me to go. …

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By now dear readers you know what a “What’s Going On?” post details but for any newcomers, or if you just need a refresher, I’ll explain what it means. Basically, I couldn’t think of a topic to write about so instead of stressing myself out I’ve decided to write about what I did last week. …

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This past weekend was the seventh annualĀ HamilTEN Festival and I was lucky enough to get in again. I struggled a lot this year about what to write. My play last year wasn’t a comedy per se but it had funny moments and comedies generally do very well in the festival, but I didn’t feel like …

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About two years ago I bought myself a tarot deck. I had thought about buying one for a long time, mostly when I was in high school and my beginning obsession with witches was beginning, but good old Catholic guilt got in the way of that. It wasn’t really until a few years ago when …

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