Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

As you may remember I was accepted into the HamilTEN Festival earlier this year for the play I wrote, Beep, a short and personal play about my mom’s death and how people who have never dealt with death react around people who have. It’s a very important play to me for obvious reasons and getting to …

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This past weekend was the seventh annual HamilTEN Festival and I was lucky enough to get in again. I struggled a lot this year about what to write. My play last year wasn’t a comedy per se but it had funny moments and comedies generally do very well in the festival, but I didn’t feel like …

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The Tony Awards are the only award shows I really care about. Sure, I watch the Oscars and have learned to appreciate them in the years I’ve started watching them, but the Tony’s are nothing compared to them. For those who don’t know what the Tony Award’s are, they’re an annual awards show that celebrates …

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This weekend was the HamilTEN Festival in my city. It’s a festival I’ve talked about a bit on here because my ten minute play A Spell for Schoolgirls was accepted into it and I was super pumped/anxious for it. Well, this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were our show days, it came and went so quickly, and …

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