Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

April is National Poetry Month and because of that I usually like to prioritize the poetry collections I’ve gotten ahold of during the year and read them. I know I should read poetry all year, especially since I’ve enjoyed the ones that have come my way. But it seems like this is a pattern that …

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By now dear readers you know what a “What’s Going On?” post details but for any newcomers, or if you just need a refresher, I’ll explain what it means. Basically, I couldn’t think of a topic to write about so instead of stressing myself out I’ve decided to write about what I did last week. …

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I’m an expert procrastinator. That isn’t a good thing, it’s just a fact. I don’t like to call myself the “do it the night before it’s due” procrastinator, but I think that’s what my friends and family would say. To be clear I’ve never done an assignment from scratch the night before, I’d always have …

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Somehow it’s almost November, and that means it’s almost time for NaNoWriMo! For my non-writing readers out there, NaNoWriMo (a shortened form of National Novel Writing Month) is an unofficial event for writers that takes place during the month of November. The main goal of NaNoWriMo is for writers to write a novel in a …

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Oh look, it’s two weeks into 2018 and I’m still blogging HOORAY! I did tell you I was serious about this whole blog thing though (also I paid for this domain, and that’s the real motivator, isn’t it?). I even have a sticky note on my phone with future blog ideas on it, so if …

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