Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

I love Cats the musical. I’ve already written about this but it’s worth mentioning again because I also saw the CGI nightmare that is Cats the movie, and I didn’t hate it. I saw it awhile back when it first came out, and while I definitely had some issues with it like the CGI (which isn’t the …

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I usually write something for New Year’s, whether it’s a resolution to make a blog (no virtual dust here, everything’s clean and tidy…ish) or a review of my year, I come up with something. I considered writing another review for 2019 but didn’t want to repeat myself, and then I thought about resolutions but those …

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Last week the trailer for Cats the musical was released on Youtube and brought quite a lot of horrifying reactions with it. The decision to make the actors look more realistically like cats with CGI technology is a weird and terrifying one considering they could have easily gone with the tights and make-up that regular productions use, but …

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Well there was a time where I would post one of these every couple of months because I couldn’t think of anything to write about, so I’m at least happy that I’ve found other topics to keep this blog more interesting than the boring things I’ve been up to. But alas, I couldn’t think of …

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On March 9th 2018 I wandered around a newly opened Petsmart that my friend worked at because she said they had a bunch of cats there. I had had to put my first cat Tamsin down the May before because of a genetic disorder that was killing her and though I knew I wanted to …

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I’m not very good at remembering certain things I’ve done; or rather I’m not great at remembering achievements. It’s not that I have a bad memory; it’s actually pretty good (unless it’s remembering people, then its bad). It’s just that I Maybe I just have too high standards for myself, whatever the reason I wanted …

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I don’t know what to write again, which happens from time to time, but I’m not ready to skip a week of blog posts yet. So that means the only thing to do is to have another “A Week in the Life of Sarah” posts, or more simply a new “What’s Going On?” update.

(This was a hard blog post to write. I thought, after almost a year, I’d be better but it’s still hard, will always be hard I think. I cried a few times, had to stop even more, but I got all the words out eventually. Maybe not as coherently as I’d like, but they’re here, …

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