Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

“We are restless people by nature. We roam, from one house to another, one city to the next. There is a limit to how long we can stay somewhere before people start to notice,”(Moore 13). Seventeen-year-old Pieta, or as she’s called Pie, is invisible. Not in the metaphorical sense, but really truly invisible. She is …

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I’ve mentioned a number of times on here that I sometimes feel invisible. Sometimes I feel like it’s something I’m doing to myself, sometimes it just seems to be who I am as a person. I fade away in certain situations, I get forgotten. It happens, but I’ve been trying to make sure I don’t …

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Sometimes I get stuck and I don’t know what to do about it. I hold onto things I don’t need to, I fixate on things that don’t involve me, I try to fix things that I have no reason fixing, that don’t need to be fixed. I don’t know why I do this.

This weekend was the HamilTEN Festival in my city. It’s a festival I’ve talked about a bit on here because my ten minute play A Spell for Schoolgirls was accepted into it and I was super pumped/anxious for it. Well, this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were our show days, it came and went so quickly, and …

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