Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

I’ve talked about dead women a few times on this blog, usually in relation to dead mothers, a trope I’ve become a lot more aware of since my mom died. When I wrote about the dead mom’s trope I counted seventeen different T.V. shows and movies that have characters with dead moms or use the …

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Sometimes the things you read about online happen to you in real life. You can deny that these things will ever happen, read the articles with a chuckle and move on about your day, but perhaps these articles are more than just stories to read on your lunch break or while waiting in line to …

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I’m not very good at remembering certain things I’ve done; or rather I’m not great at remembering achievements. It’s not that I have a bad memory; it’s actually pretty good (unless it’s remembering people, then its bad). It’s just that I Maybe I just have too high standards for myself, whatever the reason I wanted …

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In 2017 I had a lot of weird interactions with guys. I know that was a year ago, nearly two now since it’s literally the day before 2019, but they’re memorable nonetheless, and unfortunately relevant in what seems to be an unpredictable never-ending pattern of my life.

So a few weeks ago I made a promise. You probably remember my blog post about my sister getting sick, my fear, and rushing to the ER to be with her. The day after that blog post was published; I had to leave work early with her to go to the ER again because a …

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Normally if I was writing one of my usual “I have nothing to write” posts I’d tell you about my week, as I’ve done twice now. But my weeks aren’t as exciting as they used to be, not since I’ve been laid off. At least then I was guaranteed to be busy for eight hours …

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I tend to read a lot of books by women writers. Part of this is because I am a woman writer so obviously, part of it is that women writers don’t get as much credit as male writers so I like to make sure I read as many books by women writers as I can, …

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This weekend was the HamilTEN Festival in my city. It’s a festival I’ve talked about a bit on here because my ten minute play A Spell for Schoolgirls was accepted into it and I was super pumped/anxious for it. Well, this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were our show days, it came and went so quickly, and …

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Right now, I’m feeling stressed. My insides feel tight and I feel tired but I have to write this blog post, and I just set up my queue for my book review blog. And I want to read more of The Power by Naomi Alderman because I want to try to finish reading a book a week because …

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I don’t know how long this is going to be since it’s a rant and I’m annoyed, maybe I’ll drone (ha ha) on and on for who knows how long, or maybe I’ll just keep it to the point. It isn’t written yet so I’m just as clueless as you are. What I do know …

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