Sarah O'Connor

Writer – Playwright – Cannot Save You From The Robot Apocalypse

Many months ago (okay, it was January, but it seems like longer than that right?) I joked that last weekend was going to be the “weekend of Sarah.” I rarely put attention on myself, but last weekend was supposed to be the HamilTEN Festival when The End of July was supposed to premiere as well as a …

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The first episode of What Girls Do Podcast is here and in honour of Stranger Things season 3 I talk about a character who will never be forgotten, the one and only Barb Holland!

As you may remember I was accepted into the HamilTEN Festival earlier this year for the play I wrote, Beep, a short and personal play about my mom’s death and how people who have never dealt with death react around people who have. It’s a very important play to me for obvious reasons and getting to …

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You read that title right, I’M GOING TO BE IN THE HAMILTEN FESTIVAL AGAIN! You may remember last year that I got accepted into the festival for the first time and about what a great experience and how much fun I had with it. But it’s been about a year since I was first accepted …

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This weekend was the HamilTEN Festival in my city. It’s a festival I’ve talked about a bit on here because my ten minute play A Spell for Schoolgirls was accepted into it and I was super pumped/anxious for it. Well, this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were our show days, it came and went so quickly, and …

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I realized today that since I promised to write a weekly blog post, I unwittingly promised to write fifty-two (technically fifty-three, you got two posts the first week of January you lucky ducks) blog posts.